It had to be a double-meat day after G’s leaving drinks and a catch-up at my new local with some neighbours last night. So I was devestated to discover that there was insufficient meat for a double helping of Tomatillo (but not as unhappy as those behind me in the Friday queue). I was pacified and sated with an extra helping of free steak. Lovely.
I’m also happy to report a great tasting combination. The extra Guacamole (yes I was that greedy today) running alongside consistent beans, rice and meat along the whole length of the – slightly more plump than my waistline needed – burrito. Hot but not overpowering sauce tingling on the lips. One might even have called it a Burro.
That also makes it 5-for-5 two weeks on the trot. Ten Lunches. Ten Burritos. I am going to have to consider cold turkey. But I don’t know anywhere I can get that in mexican snack form.