Fart Bulbs /via @davetrott
via shots.net Finally, a well made, well thought out, funny, intelligent TV commercial: shots.net/video/shots-co… (r/t @thepunkrockshop) — dave trott (@davetrott) September 1, 2011
via shots.net Finally, a well made, well thought out, funny, intelligent TV commercial: shots.net/video/shots-co… (r/t @thepunkrockshop) — dave trott (@davetrott) September 1, 2011
via youtube.com Shame about the Hilary Clinton bit. Really ruins the earth reveal…
via notvoodoo.blogspot.com Tear it up at the weekend folks. 😀
via campaignlive.co.uk That Ikea Ad. Brill work from mother, way to stamp your authority on the campaign.
via youtube.com Nice ad for GoingGoingBike 🙂
via twitpic.com Oh the irony.