Arcadia Glastonbury
This is lovely!
This is lovely!
Well I’ve belatedly discovered that Weebl was responsible for the animated Hexstatic video which gave this blog its name. The song was Chase Me (from Master View) and the animation […]
Well it’s being reported on Indymedia (and unsurprisingly nowhere else in the UK media) that thousands of G8 protestors have broken through the first wire-cordon and breached security measures to […]
As a change from the many house dominated mp3 blogs out there I was delighted to find Flea Market Funk. A refreshing change, and a lovely collection of 7″ recommendations. […]
Courtesy of Geekologie, comes a link to CNN with example of the work of Nathan Sawaya, a sculptor of LEGO. Some spectacular work. I particularly like the monochromatic figurative stuff. […]